The Wylie Choir Booster Club exists to help the Wylie High Pirate Choirs in areas that school budget resources can’t assist. One of the biggest questions asked is “What do fundraising monies from the booster club do?” Here is a list of just a few things we to provide, with your help and support.
1. Partial voice lesson scholarships for students in need
2. Scholarships for graduating seniors and those attending All-State camps
3. Expenses for All Region and All State Choir
4. Choir family fellowships and Future Pirate Night party
5. Concert and classroom needs
6. Assistance for Choir Banquet
How Can I Help?
With over 300 outstanding students in our choir program, we need a lot of assistance. Because of your student’s participation in the Wylie Pirate Choir, all parents are automatically members of the booster club. We ask each family to find at least ONE way they can help to support our booster club. Ways to help can include a sponsorship, provide a service from your business, or volunteer to work in concessions!
Booster Club Fundraising Opportunities
· Annual Sponsorship Drive
· Dinner Theatre Show
· Spirit Nights at local restaurants
· WHS Volleyball Concessions
· WHS Basketball Concessions.
WHS Volleyball and Basketball Concessions:
Our concessions for WHS Volleyball and Basketball are a HUGE part of our fundraising efforts. Every family of a student in JV Mixed and Varsity Choir (Bel Canto/A Cappella) is expected to sign up for at least one evening during the 23-24 season. We will be operating both concession stands in the Montgomery Center. Each sign up is for 2 family volunteers (parents, please volunteer with your student). Students participating receive 25 choir points (letter jacket) for each evening of service (with a max of 100 points per year).
WHS Choir Sponsorships
We are looking for individual and business sponsorships for our choir. If you have a business or know someone who would like to be a part, we would love to have you share this information with them. Sponsorship Forms may be found at and look under SPONSORSHIPS
We would like each student to sell at least one sponsorship (individual or business) by September 30, 2023.
100% of funds raised in our sponsorships will go to our choir program.
Any student with over $250 in sponsorships by September 30th will receive a Wylie Pirate Choir Beanie. Any student with over $500 in sponsorships by September 30th will receive a Wylie Pirate Choir wind jacket or fleece!
Individual Sponsorships
Patron Level $50-$124 Special recognition in all 2023-24 programs
Conductor Level $125-$249 Includes Patron level and 2 tickets for both Chamber Singers Coffee House and Tempo Show.
AHMO Virtuoso Level $250 + Includes Conductor level and WHS Pirate Choir Sponsor Mug
Business Sponsorships
Bronze Level $250-$499 Recognition in all 2023-2024 programs and ad in Tempo Show program.
Silver Level $ 500-$999 Includes Bronze level, 2 tickets to Chamber Singers Coffee House or Tempo Show; Fall promotion on all WHS Choir social media platforms (Facebook and Instagram).
Gold Level $1,000+ Includes Bronze level, 4 tickets to both Chamber Singers Coffee House and Tempo Show; Fall and Spring promotion on all WHS Choir social media platforms (Facebook and Instagram)
General Booster Meeting Schedule for the 2023-2024 Year
(Meetings last approximately 30 minutes).**
September 25 (prior to concert) - WHS Cafeteria, 6:00 p.m. Meeting Minutes
December 5 (prior to concert- 6:00 p.m.) - WHS Cafeteria, 6:00 p.m.
February 13—ZOOM, 6:00 p.m.
May 13 (prior to concert) - WHS Cafeteria, 6:00 p.m.
**dates and times are subject to change
Scholarship Opportunities & Applications
If you have a student interested in scholarship opportunities, all applications will be on the WHS Choir Website. Applications must be completed before consideration.
Vocal Lesson Scholarships: There are a limited number of partial scholarships available for those wishing to study voice. Applications found on the choir website must be submitted by the deadline (August 29)
Graduating Senior Scholarships: There are a limited number of scholarships for our graduating seniors. A selection committee will be made of non-graduating senior parents from the board and general membership. Awards are based on number of qualified applicants. Applications found on the choir website must be submitted by the deadline (May 1)
All State Camp Scholarships: In a continuing effort to encourage our students in the All Region/All State Choirs, a limited number of scholarships will be given to students wishing to attend an All State Camp at a participating university. Applicants must submit a receipt of registration, and awards are based on how many submissions. Application and receipts must be submitted by the deadline (May 1).
Wylie Choir Booster Club Officers
President– Angela Irby [email protected]
1st Vice President– Amy Segrest [email protected]
2nd Vice President– Gina Nash [email protected]
Secretary– Amanda Sturgeon [email protected]
Treasurer– Patty Celis [email protected]
1. Partial voice lesson scholarships for students in need
2. Scholarships for graduating seniors and those attending All-State camps
3. Expenses for All Region and All State Choir
4. Choir family fellowships and Future Pirate Night party
5. Concert and classroom needs
6. Assistance for Choir Banquet
How Can I Help?
With over 300 outstanding students in our choir program, we need a lot of assistance. Because of your student’s participation in the Wylie Pirate Choir, all parents are automatically members of the booster club. We ask each family to find at least ONE way they can help to support our booster club. Ways to help can include a sponsorship, provide a service from your business, or volunteer to work in concessions!
Booster Club Fundraising Opportunities
· Annual Sponsorship Drive
· Dinner Theatre Show
· Spirit Nights at local restaurants
· WHS Volleyball Concessions
· WHS Basketball Concessions.
WHS Volleyball and Basketball Concessions:
Our concessions for WHS Volleyball and Basketball are a HUGE part of our fundraising efforts. Every family of a student in JV Mixed and Varsity Choir (Bel Canto/A Cappella) is expected to sign up for at least one evening during the 23-24 season. We will be operating both concession stands in the Montgomery Center. Each sign up is for 2 family volunteers (parents, please volunteer with your student). Students participating receive 25 choir points (letter jacket) for each evening of service (with a max of 100 points per year).
WHS Choir Sponsorships
We are looking for individual and business sponsorships for our choir. If you have a business or know someone who would like to be a part, we would love to have you share this information with them. Sponsorship Forms may be found at and look under SPONSORSHIPS
We would like each student to sell at least one sponsorship (individual or business) by September 30, 2023.
100% of funds raised in our sponsorships will go to our choir program.
Any student with over $250 in sponsorships by September 30th will receive a Wylie Pirate Choir Beanie. Any student with over $500 in sponsorships by September 30th will receive a Wylie Pirate Choir wind jacket or fleece!
Individual Sponsorships
Patron Level $50-$124 Special recognition in all 2023-24 programs
Conductor Level $125-$249 Includes Patron level and 2 tickets for both Chamber Singers Coffee House and Tempo Show.
AHMO Virtuoso Level $250 + Includes Conductor level and WHS Pirate Choir Sponsor Mug
Business Sponsorships
Bronze Level $250-$499 Recognition in all 2023-2024 programs and ad in Tempo Show program.
Silver Level $ 500-$999 Includes Bronze level, 2 tickets to Chamber Singers Coffee House or Tempo Show; Fall promotion on all WHS Choir social media platforms (Facebook and Instagram).
Gold Level $1,000+ Includes Bronze level, 4 tickets to both Chamber Singers Coffee House and Tempo Show; Fall and Spring promotion on all WHS Choir social media platforms (Facebook and Instagram)
General Booster Meeting Schedule for the 2023-2024 Year
(Meetings last approximately 30 minutes).**
September 25 (prior to concert) - WHS Cafeteria, 6:00 p.m. Meeting Minutes
December 5 (prior to concert- 6:00 p.m.) - WHS Cafeteria, 6:00 p.m.
February 13—ZOOM, 6:00 p.m.
May 13 (prior to concert) - WHS Cafeteria, 6:00 p.m.
**dates and times are subject to change
Scholarship Opportunities & Applications
If you have a student interested in scholarship opportunities, all applications will be on the WHS Choir Website. Applications must be completed before consideration.
Vocal Lesson Scholarships: There are a limited number of partial scholarships available for those wishing to study voice. Applications found on the choir website must be submitted by the deadline (August 29)
Graduating Senior Scholarships: There are a limited number of scholarships for our graduating seniors. A selection committee will be made of non-graduating senior parents from the board and general membership. Awards are based on number of qualified applicants. Applications found on the choir website must be submitted by the deadline (May 1)
All State Camp Scholarships: In a continuing effort to encourage our students in the All Region/All State Choirs, a limited number of scholarships will be given to students wishing to attend an All State Camp at a participating university. Applicants must submit a receipt of registration, and awards are based on how many submissions. Application and receipts must be submitted by the deadline (May 1).
Wylie Choir Booster Club Officers
President– Angela Irby [email protected]
1st Vice President– Amy Segrest [email protected]
2nd Vice President– Gina Nash [email protected]
Secretary– Amanda Sturgeon [email protected]
Treasurer– Patty Celis [email protected]